
Solving machine learning problems using neural networks.
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Developing a new learned representation for complex data.
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Data representations using graphs and their applications.
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Learning models to deal with consecutive/temporal data.
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The estimation of values for incomplete data in a matrix.
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The decomposition of a matrix into a product of multiple matrixes.
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Learning a distance function over data.
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The fusion of various modalities of data into a single representation for effective use.
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Supervised learning where data has several labels instead of a single one.
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Determining optimal points in non-smooth non-convex objective functions.
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We replace squared l_2 (Frobenius) norm with others such as l_1, l_infinity, p-order l_2, and others
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Machine learning models that induce sparsity to help us determine critical features in data.
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Transfering knowledge between machine learning models.
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